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City Recorder

About Us

The Recorder’s office performs a variety of administrative work and records management for the City of Dickson.

The City Recorder serves as custodian of official City records and public documents; performs certification and recording for the City as required on legal documents and other records requiring such certification; seals and attests by signature to ordinances, resolutions, and contracts, easements, deeds, bonds or other documents requiring City certifications; catalogs and files all city records. The City Recorder attends regular and special meetings of the City Council; performs an accurate recording of the proceedings, preparation of the minutes of said meetings, and files the necessary documents for public records. The Recorder files ordinances and resolutions of the Council and oversees the codification of ordinances into the Municipal Code as well as the City Charter and maintains all paperwork in a fire proof vault. Chris Norman is City Recorder.

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Beer Permits

  • When the Beer Board has business to conduct, meetings are held in conjunction with the city council meetings on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

  • Beer permit applications can be picked up at city hall located at 600 East Walnut Street or by clicking the Beer Permit Application button on the left side of this page.

  • Beer board applications and supporting documents are required to be submitted to the City Recorder by the 15th of the month.

  • A copy of the City of Dickson's ordinance regarding beer can be downloaded by clicking the button that says Municipal Code → Alcoholic Beverages button on the left side of this page.

Public Record Requests

Meeting Agendas & Minutes

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