Call 615-441-9508

Tax Collector's Office

About Us

  • The City Tax Collector’s Office performs a variety of accounting, finance and administrative functions as well as records management for the City of Dickson.

  • Angie Brown is the City of Dickson's Tax Collector

  • Bonnie Picard serves in a supporting role as Tax Clerk.

City Property Tax

  • The Tax Collector’s office is responsible for the collection of all real and personal property taxes due within the city limits of Dickson. The tax rate is set by the City Council, usually by July of each year. The State of Tennessee Division of Property Assessment prepares the tax roll and the City of Dickson has the notices mailed to property owners by November 1st. Taxes are due and payable without interest from November 1st through March 31st of the tax year. Interest is added to any delinquent taxes at a rate of 1 ½% per month after the delinquency date.

  • If you are paying property taxes in person, please bring your tax notice. If payment is being mailed, please write the receipt number on your check.

  • If you have a change in your mailing address, please notify our office at (615) 441-9508 as well as the Dickson County Tax Assessor’s Office at (615) 789-7015.

Tax Relief Program

  • Tennessee state law provides for property tax relief for low-income elderly and disabled homeowners, as well as disabled veteran homeowners or their surviving spouses. This is a state program funded by appropriations authorized by the General Assembly. Applications may be filed when you receive your property tax notice and no later than 35 days after the delinquency date. If you believe you may qualify for this relief, please contact our office.

City Business License

  • City code requires that businesses that qualify, possess a current City of Dickson business license. Businesses must open their license with the City of Dickson either in person, or by mail. To do so by mail, you must include the $15.00 fee.

  • If your business operates from a home within the city limits of Dickson, you must contact the City of Dickson Planning & Zoning Department at 615-441-9508 to obtain a Home Occupancy Waiver prior to applying for your business license.

 Business License Renewals

For more information regarding online registration and filing of business taxes with the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, click the button below.

Tennessee Department of Revenue →
  • All standard renewals are filed with the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue via the TNTAP portal.

  • Delinquent business taxes for standard licenses are also filed with State of Tennessee Department of Revenue.

  Business Tax

For more information regarding paying business taxes, click the button below.

Tennessee Department of Revenue →
  • Business taxes are collected by the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue.

  • Delinquent business taxes are also filed with State of Tennessee Department of Revenue.

 Peddler, Etc. Permit

To download an application for a permit for Peddler, Canvasser, Solicitor or Transient Merchant click the button below.

Peddler's Permit Application →

To view Ordinance # 1313 Pertaining to Peddlers, Etc, please click the button below.

Ordinance #1313 →
  • It is unlawful for any peddler, canvasser, solicitor or transient vendor to ply his/her trade within the corporate limits without first obtaining a permit.

  • An Application for Permit for Peddler, Canvasser, Solicitor or Transient Merchant must be filed with the City Tax Collector’s Office which shall be referred to the Chief of Police for investigation. Investigation findings will be reported to the City Tax Collector’s Office within 72 hours.

  • Applicant will provide the City Tax Collector with a Surety Bond running to the City of Dickson in the amount of $10,000 along with a $250.00 permit fee. After approval, a 14-day permit will be issued.

  • Exemptions: Permits are not applicable to persons selling at wholesale to dealers, nor to newsboys, nor to bona fide merchants who merely deliver goods in the regular course of business, nor to bona fide charitable, religious, patriotic or philanthropic organizations.

  • However, those who are exempt from obtaining a permit are still required to notify the City Tax Collector’s Office of their intent at 615/441-9508.

  • Locally grown produce vendors must sell and locate within the current local Farmer’s Market. You may contact the UT Extension-Dickson County Office at 204 Henslee Drive, Dickson, TN or by calling 615-446-2788. 

Annual Beer and Liquor Privilege Tax

The annual beer and liquor privilege tax renewal notices are mailed to permit holders on November 1st. Privilege tax must be paid by January 1st or, the first business day in January. 

Note:  The City of Dickson requires that all businesses selling beer and/or liquor have a current year's business license.

Hotel / Motel Tax

  • A privilege tax of 5% (effective August 1, 2014) is charged to local hotel and motels to be paid monthly to the City of Dickson. Such tax is to be paid by the 20th of each month for the preceding month.  The Tax Collector's Office cannot waive penalties and interest for late payment of tax.

Public Utilities

The State of Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasurer assesses Public Utilities. Upon the Tax Collector’s office receiving notification from the Comptroller, notices are mailed to companies for ad valorem taxes. This usually occurs in January of each year.

Miscellaneous Receipts

All in-lieu of tax payments are receipted in the Tax Collector’s Office. These include gas, electric, housing, TVA, etc. Wholesale beer and liquor taxes are collected monthly as well as revenue from the State of Tennessee and sales tax from the Dickson County Trustee’s Office.

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